Thursday, May 15, 2008
first video message, bitches.
okay, so i made my first video message to kinda, like, sum up what i want for this blog.

yes, i know, many people say that blogs themselves are overrated and retarded, and it's not like many people read them, right? wrong. there are some people that read blogs and literally GET INVOLVED in that other person's life through their online journal, which has always kinda appealed to me, especially since i'm not sure how to get people to listen to me except like this.

so here i am, with two messages straight from my mouth.

[grah. i'll upload the vids tomorrow. i don't have the patience for it right now. -.-]

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posted by seizurific at 8:45 PM - 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
lustsign = LAWL
Visit to learn your Lustsign!


the end.
posted by seizurific at 8:12 PM - 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
getting my yaoi blog up and running.
listening to: First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes
watching: Sweeney Todd
reading/writing: report on Malcolm X

i didn't go to school today. skipped.

seems kinda pointless not to go, though, since i don't have school tomorrow and there's only like, four days left before we're out for summer break.

whoa. i totally just realized that today was my friend's birthday. crap.

oh well, i'll leave her a comment on myspace. >.>

so i'm working on getting my yaoi blog up and running. i'm using pretty much the same coding that i use for this blog, but it's different colors and such.

i'd talk more, but i really don't feel like it, since i could be watching sweeney todd instead.


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posted by seizurific at 10:23 PM - 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
gakuen heaven.
listening to: the evangelicals - a mouthful of skeletons.
watching: my fingers typing, Gakuen Heaven.
writing/reading: nothing.

so i've recently become enamored of this anime, gakuen heaven, which is based on a boys' love ADV game. despite the shallow characters, pointless plot, and rather creepy sense of the familiar, i'm liking it. shamelessly so. i mean, you can't really expect much from a show based on a choose-your-own-seme game.

but i didn't really expect to enjoy it.

. . . . huh.

anyway, i'm on episode 3. the episodes were download from the forums at i'll get a link up to the forums sooner or later, as well as some links to where ya'll can get the show there if you have an account.

it'sg etting to be 7:34, and i need to watch some anime before school. [gotta stock up my reserves, you know.]
posted by seizurific at 6:29 AM - 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Bi - Escaping the Sun [RAIN]

this is rain singing.

be still, oh beating heart.

posted by seizurific at 8:31 PM - 0 comments
i freaking knew it.

so i've been saying ever since the first speed racer preview came out that that Taejo looked VAGUELY familiar. then it hit me - it's RAIN. as in korean popstar, hottie extraordinair, part time actor RAIN. i freaking knew it, just knew it.

as soon as i'd realized this, people began to object. "no way, that can't possibly be him."


also, look and see who's playing Mr. Musha: Hiroyuki Sanada-san. was totally in the originally Ringu, and the second one as well, i think.

anyway, if you don't know who Rain is, he was in the korean drama FULL HOUSE, as well as that one boxing show that i really can't remember the title of. he's kinda brilliant; his acting isn't that great, or wasn't in FULL HOUSE, anyway, but he is an amazing singer. for shizzle. just have a listen to the video.

posted by seizurific at 8:16 PM - 0 comments
last night.
listening to: Wait - Sweeney Tood: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
watching: Junjou Romantica [or watiting to, anyway]
writing/reading: report on Winston Churchill

couldn't sleep last night, and i ended up going into the television room and doing this 3-mile taped workout led by some scary lady named Leslie Something-or-other. i actually worked a sweat up by the end of the second mile. maybe i'll do it tonight, too.

probably not.

so my computer is being a shit and won't load certain videos on Youtube; also, it's taking forever to load my favorite yaoi-manga-download-site, ANGER.

i really should be doing my report on Winston Churchill, but the dude can wait. he's been dead like thirty years anyhow. [please ignore any biographical errors in that sentence. i haven't been paying that much attention to my report.]

my hair looks like a giant poofball, because i didn't straighten it after i got out of the shower. i figure, it's sunday - i'm not going to see anybody, and even i did, they would understand that it's the weekend and therefore i am making no effort in my appearance whatesoever. i still run back and forth to the garage with my hands over my face....just in case.

woohoo, warp tour is in a month and a half! i am so excited. this will be my first concert ever. i usually avoid them like the plague due to all the flashing lights and stuff. but - warp tour is during the day and OUTSIDE. lucky.

so i tried working on my website last night, and got fed up. i'm just tired of trying to enjoy html again. i used to, a loooong time ago, when i had nothing else to do and thought it a majoy accomplishment to run like a million fanlistings at once. i never really updated, and i don't even remember all the ones i had. they're gone now, for sure. they kinda remind me of all that unfinished fanfiction i wrote [see rurouni kenshin - perhaps in the past.] i wrote over a hundred pages of that shit, and never even finished. what a freaking waste.

after my work out last night i watched PS - I Love You. holy. shit. i swear, i cried the entire movie, nonstop except for perhaps a chuckle every now and then. talk about sad. gah. was worth it, though, to see gerard butler all sexy and irish. [even though he's really scottish.]

anywho, that's enough for now. nothing else to write.

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posted by seizurific at 6:45 PM - 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
graaah. grah.
so. ap history exam was on friday at eight in the morning. completely sure that i bombed the hell out of it.

it was quite easily the most difficult test i've ever taken. 70 multiple choice questions and then three essay/free response questions.

dear. god.

there's this 48-hour period that i have to wait before discussing the free response questions, but totally expect much complaining about it soon. -.-

so i recently discovered this band, the mitch hansen band. this dude writes and sings songs based on the TWILIGHT SAGA. how amazing is that? so i don't just have wizard-rock to enjoy these days, i also have twilight-rock. HUZZAH

i don't really feel like writing anything else. there isn't much more to say. >.o

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posted by seizurific at 5:31 PM - 0 comments
About Me
Name: seizurific
Home: Holloman AFB, New Mexico
About Me: 17-year-old kid that would really like to never turn 18. Listens to twilight-rock, wizard-rock, and Mugglecast. Reads classic lit, manga, and comic books.
See my profile...

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